Selasa, 11 November 2008

apologize lyrics. . akuuuu bangeeeett. .

i'm holding in your rope
got me ten feet off the ground
and i'm hearing what you say
but i just can't make a sound

you tell me that you need me
then you go and cut me down, but wait
you tell me that you're sorry
didn't think i'd turn around and say

that's too late to apologize, it's too late. .
i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late. .
too late, ooh. . .

i'd take another chance, take a fall
take a shot, for you. .
and i need you like a heart needs a beat
but it's nothing new. . yeah. .

i loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue
and you say sorry like an angel,
heaven let me thonk was you. .
but i'm afraid. . .

it's too late to apologize, it's too late. .
i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late. .

it's too late to apologize, it's too late. .
i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late. .

i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late. .
i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late. .

i'm holding in your rope
got me ten feet off the ground


movie review: High School Musical 3

Securing its #1 position for the second weekend consecutively, "" remains unbeatable at the box office during the Halloween weekend. Hauling in $15.3 million, the big screen sequel to the "High School Musical" franchise has raised the total of $62 million after 10 days screening on multiple theaters across North America.

Though ending the weekend on the top slot, the and -starring musical has slipped to the fifth place on Friday, October 31 with $1.7 million. Still, it rebounded back on Saturday, November 1, collecting $8.2 million. Mark Zoradi, president of Disney's motion-picture group, commented, "The target audience was out collecting candy or trick-or-treating Friday, but Saturday came back like a monster."

While the domestic sales of the third "HSM" movie experienced a 63.6% decrease, "Senior Year" has also dominated the 26 international markets. Raking in another $26 million, the movie which is also supported by , , Lucas Grabeel and Monique Coleman has been claimed by the mouse house to bring in an overseas total up to $85 million.

Aside from "Senior Year", debuting second at the revenue chart was "" which took in $10.1 million. Putting the blame on the ads trouble due to the movie's title and themes, Steve Bunnell, head of distribution for Weinstein, said, "I would anecdotally speculate that that hurt us. We were surprised that we ended up with the controversy. We thought everybody in America would understand that it was a joke."

Following close at the third place was "". The latest to the Lionsgate hit horror franchise fell one place from its runner-up position last weekend after collecting $9.7 million, taking its 10-day cume to $45.5 million. Meanwhile, 's thriller mystery, "", has shot up 16 spots to the fourth place after getting a wide release on Friday. The Universal Pictures movie starring garnered $9.4 million. Rounding up the top five was "" with $5.4 million.

Top Ten Movies at Weekend Box Office for October 31 - November 2, 2008:

  1. "" - $15.3 million
  2. "" - $10.1 million
  3. "" - $9.7 million
  4. "" - $9.4 million
  5. "" - $5.4 million
  6. "" - $4.9 million
  7. "" - $4 million
  8. "" - $3.7 million
  9. "" - $3.5 million
  10. "" - $3.4 million
==taken from:

sejarah Robot

Kata robot yang berasal dari bahasa Czeceh, robota. Yang berarti pekerja, mulai menjadi popular ketika seorang penulis berbangsa Czech (Ceko), Karl Capek, membuat pertunjukan dari lakon komdei yang ditulisnya pada tahun 1921 yang berjudul RUR (Rossum’s Universal Robot). Rossum’s Universal Robots bercerita tentang mesin yang menyerupai manusia, tapi mampu bekerja terus-menerus tanpa lelah. Popularitas istilah robot ini kemudian memperoleh sambutan dengan diperkenalkannya robot Jerman dalam film Metropolitan tahun 1926 yang sempat dipamerkan dalam New York World’s Fair 1939. Film ini mengisahkan tentang robot berjalan mirip manusia beserta hewan peliharaannya. Kembali robot C3PO dalam film Star Wars pertama pada tahun 1977. Kemudian produk robot komersial pertama diperkenalkan oleh Unimation Incorporated, Amerika, pada tahun 1950-an. Namun demikian, seperti ditulis dalam beberapa sumber, penelitian intensif di bidang teknologi robotik dan keinginan menjadikan robotik sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu waktu itu belum lagi terpikirkan. Tercatat bangsa Jepang-lah yang paling produktif dalam mengembangkan teknologi robot, kalau tidak dapat dikatakan sebagai yang termaju dalam bidang ini. Hal ini dikarenakan Jepang sangat gigih dalam melakukan penelitian teknologi infrastruktur seperti komponen dan piranti mikro (microdevices) yang akhirnya bidang ini terbukti sebagai inti dari pengembangan robot modern. Pada awalnya, aplikasi robot hampir tak dapat dipisahkan dengan industri sehingga muncul istilah industrial robot dan robot manipulator. Robot industri adalah suatu robot tangan (robot arm) yang diciptakan untuk berbagai keperluan dalam meningkatkan produksi, ciri-cirinya adalah: Memiliki bentuk lengan-lengan kaku yang terhubung secara seri dan memiliki sendi yang dapat bergerak berputar (rotasi) atau memanjang/memendek (translasi atau prismatik). Satu sisi lengan yang disebut sebagai pangkal ditanam pada bidang atau meja yang statis (tidak bergerak) Sisi yang lain yang disebut sebagai ujung (end of effector) dapat dimuati dengan tool tertentu sesuai dengan tugas robot. Dalam dunia mekanikal, manipulator ini memiliki dua bagian, yaitu tangan atau lengan (arm) dan pergelangan (wrist). Muncul istilah robot humanoid (konstruksi mirip manusia), animaloid (mirip binatang), dan sebagainya. Bahkan kini dalam industri spesifik seperti industri perfilman, industri angkasa luar dan industri pertahanan atau mesin perang, robot arm atau manipulator bisa jadi hanya menjadi bagian saja dari sistem robot secara keseluruhan. Muncul cabang disiplin baru yang dikenal sebagai virtual reality. Sebelum suatu robot betul-betul diputuskan untuk dibuat, pakar robot cukup mencobanya dahulu secara virtual, secara imajinasi. Baik dalam hal bentuk fisik maupun dalam hal pergerakan yang sesungsuhnya. Bahkan apakah program yang kemudian dikembangkan dapat berfungsi dengan baik dalam mengendalikan robot itu, cukup diuji coba secara virtual dulu. Hal ini erat kaitannya dengan kecanggihan komputer-komputer era baru dan teknologi pemrograman yang terus menerus dikembangkan.


Hemp (Cannabis sativa), a plant, the only known species of the genus Cannabis, natural order Cannabinaceae. It is an annual herbaceous plant; the leaves are divided into five lanceolate and coarsely serrate leaflets; the male flowers, which are on separate stems, are green, resembling those of the hop; the female flowers are inconspicuous, and the fruit is a little hard capsule containing a single seed. It is a native of Western and Central Asia, but has been naturalized in Brazil and tropical Africa, and is extensively cultivated in Italy and many other European countries, particularly Russia and Poland. The Indian variety, often known as C. indicia, is the source of the narcotic drug variously known as hashish, bhang, or gunjah. The hemp fiber is tough and strong, and peculiarly adapted for weaving into course fabrics such as sail-cloth, and for twisting into ropes and cables. Immense quantities are exported from Russia. The finer sorts are used for shirtings, sheetings, etc., which, though coarser than that made from flax, are very much stronger and equally susceptible of being bleached. The hemp of England is very superior but the plant does not pay the farmer, and very little of it is grown. In some of the United States it is a crop of considerable importance. The seed must be sown thin, not more than one or two bushels to an acre. Small paths are often left open along the field lengthwise, at about seven feet distant from each other, to allow the plucking of the male plants first, as the female require to remain standing a month longer to admit of the seed becoming ripe. But in some parts the whole crop is cut at once, plants for seed being separately cultivated. The plant being stripped of its leaves, and dried in the open air, may be stored, but when steeped green it turns out of a better color. The steeping takes from 4 to 11 days, and the operation is known to be completed by the inner reed or woody fiber separating easily from the fibers of the outer bark. When thoroughly steeped it is taken out of the water and laid out in rows on the grass to bleach. This takes three weeks or more, during which period it requires constant turning with a light, long pole. After drying it is scutched or broken by breaks and scutching-stocks, resembling those employed for flax. Beating is the next operation, which separates the "boon" from the fiber. Hemp-seed is much used as food for cage-birds, and also yields an oil. Sisal hemp or (henequen) and Manilla hemp are not true hemps.

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praktikum internet . . .

praktikum internet bagi mahasiswa IT Telkom khususnya mahasiswa Teknik Informatika memiliki nilai satu sks. .
lama satu kali praktikum itu sendiri adalah 3 jam, dibagi menjadi 3 bagian: tes awal, jurnal, dan tes akhir. .
pada pertemuan pertama bagiku praktikum yang satu ini sangatlah aneh. . mengapa?
kan disebutkan bahwa ini adalah sebuah praktikum, tetapi kenyataannya hanyalah menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan saja. .
pengalamanku selama mengikuti praktikum ini adalah menambah pengetahuanku akan dunia internet. .
selama ini ku hanya berpikiran bahwa internet itu ya itu-itu saja, ternyata sangatlah beragam. . pembuatan web itu pun juga tak semudah yang ku bayangkan. .
dulu pernah ku membuat web menggunakan frontpage, sekarang ku mengatahui cara membuat web dengan dreamweaver. .
sekarang sudah mencapai modul ke-5 dari 7 modul. . fiuh~ lega juga praktikum ini selesai juga. . tetapi juga ada rasa kehilangan, kehilangan kesempatan untuk menambah wawasan seputar dunia internet. .
bearti, TUGAS BESAR telah menanti. .
ku harap para asisten lab dan asisten praktikum berbaik hati membimbing ku dalam mengerjakan tugas besar ini. .